Wednesday 28 May 2014

Current Project

Below is a photo of what I am currently working on.  My sewing room needs a serious clean out before I start my next quilt project (or continue some ufo's) so I decided to try some knitting again.

I have bought wool to make two cardigans but I got a mad notion to try to knit a pair of socks. So far I am very proud of my efforts.  I turned the heel no bother at all.  I stayed up really late last Saturday night.  Once I had finished the ironing I was determined to try it and it worked.

I forgot to post some photos from a quilting workshop I did recently.  The workshop was held at The Limerick Quilt Centre and the wonderful and talented Mary Palmer was the tutor.  My sister Margaret and my niece Katie were also there.  We had a great day.

Lines, bubbles, waves, spirals and flowers.

Until next time, happy knitting and sewing x

1 comment:

  1. The quilting looks fantastic, it just goes to show what some practice can do. I must do lots and lots of practice myself. I want some socks to please. I must get some wool to send to you. :) xo
